Local MP Visits Site

  • 09/04/2019
  • Press Release

Huddersfield August, 2019 Thornton & Ross’ executive team were delighted to host the Colne Valley Member of Parliament Thelma Walker at the Linthwaite site near Huddersfield.

The visit was an opportunity for CEO Roger Scarlett-Smith to share the vision for the company and showcase the state of the art production facilities for the Zerobase® and Cetraben® products, which make Thornton & Ross the biggest supplier of creams and emollients to the NHS in the UK.

Mark Kirkup (Vice President, UK Operations) also had the opportunity to show Thelma the production suite for Zoflora, the market leading disinfectant, and also share plans for a new, fully automated line to support the strong growth of this exciting brand.

In particular Thelma was very pleased to hear about the recruitment drive to fill up to 40 vacancies and about the potential further jobs that could come as part of the acquisition of a number of GSK brands, including Oilatum® and Savlon®.